
  1. Reviews accessibility policies, practices and services to develop strategies and recommendations for districtwide implementation.
  2. Identifies strategies to provide training opportunities for faculty and staff to assist the college in appropriately serving students and employees with disabilities.
  3. Reviews resources and recommend initiatives that have budgetary implications.
  4. Serves as forum for discussion of programs and services for students and employees with disabilities.

Committee recommendations are forwarded to the Academic & Student Affairs Council and other appropriate councils and stakeholders.

Meeting Schedule and Frequency

Meets Virtually  
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  
2nd Friday (generally) 


Agendas and minutes (ACC Only)

Questions? Contact: Ryia Martin [email protected]


Chair (appointed by the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs): Rosalind Blackstar 
Co-chair (elected by the Committee): Emily Perhamus

PositionNameAppointed byCampusPhoneEmail
AVC, Student Accessibility & Social Support ResourcesSteve ChristopherPositionHLC3-7664[email protected]
Executive Director, Regulatory AffairsMichael GarciaPositionHLC3-7020[email protected]
Director, Risk and Campus OperationsVacantPosition
Dean, Continuing EducationHector AguilarPositionHBC3-7663[email protected]
Distance & Alternative EducationMichelle EscudierPositionSAC3-9178[email protected]
Alternative Text & Media StaffSean LoraasPositionEVC3-5270[email protected]
Representatives of Job Functions or College Offices
(1-year terms)
Dean of Student AffairsJonathan TynerVC, Student AffairsCYP3-2280[email protected]
Campus ManagerTBAEVC, College Operations & Public AffairTBATBATBA
Access & Disability RepresentativeScott FizerVC, Student AffairsSAC3-9166[email protected]
Access & Disability RepresentativeMadiha KarkVC, Student AffairsRGC3-3148[email protected]
Clinical CounselorAndrew SilverVC, Student AffairsSAC3-9168
[email protected]
Continuing EducationMarcela NouzovskaExec. Dean, Cont. Ed.NRG3-7588[email protected]
FacilitiesTBADirector, Facilities and  ConstructionTBATBATBA
Interpreter ServicesTBASupervisor Interpreter ServicesRVS3-6397TBA
Student LifeMohammed ElghoulVC, Student AffairsHLC3-7448[email protected]
Learning Lab ManagerTheresa MooneyExecutive Director, Learning Support ServicesEVC3-5115[email protected]
Testing Center SupervisorBryan DickmanDirector, Testing ServicesHLCTBA[email protected]
Campus PoliceLynn DixonChief, Campus PoliceSVC3-1222[email protected]
Faculty, Developmental CommunicationTBAFull-Time Faculty Association PresidentTBATBATBA
Faculty, Developmental MathematicsTBAAVC, Academic Transfer ProgramsTBATBATBA
Faculty, Developmental ESL (for the deaf)TBAAVC, Workforce EducationTBATBATBA
Faculty, LibraryJames LoomisDean, Library ServicesRVS3-6134[email protected]
Representatives of ACC Constituencies
(1-year terms)
Full-Time Faculty SenatePamela AskewAssociation Pres.TBATBA[email protected]
Adjunct Faculty AssociationBecky VillarrealAssociation Pres.TBATBA[email protected]
Association of Professional-Technical EmployeesEmily PerhamusAssociation Pres.TBATBA [email protected]
Classified Employees AssociationValori Riethmayer Association Pres.TBATBA[email protected]
Student Government AssociationTBAAssociation Pres.N/AN/ATBA
Student Government AssociationTBAAssociation Pres.N/AN/ATBA