Below you will find the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about Austin Community College’s QEP including the process and impact to students, faculty, and staff.
1. Why is the QEP important to the College?
The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is an integral component of the reaffirmation of accreditation process and is derived from an institution’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes. It reflects and affirms a commitment to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue the institution considers important to improving student learning outcomes and/or student success.
2. How does the QEP impact my role at the College?
Each Riverbat (employees and students) at ACC will contribute to the QEP in various ways. Some of you will be asked to serve on various committees (i.e., Topic Selection, Development, Implementation) related to the QEP. Others of you will be asked to provide input or documentation to show compliance. We are also interested in receiving suggestions for QEP topics from anyone in the ACC community.
3. How is the QEP different from the AMP proposals?
As a requirement of ACC’s 2023 SACSCOC Reaffirmation, the QEP is a project carried out over five years that must focus on improving student learning outcomes and/or student success and must be derived from ACC’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes. The AMP proposals are part of ACC’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes and will be one of many documents that will help to inform ACC’s next QEP topic.
4. What has ACC done for past QEPs?
In 2012, ACC launched its Math PLUS QEP. To select topic that year, the college gathered input from the college and local community and thoughtfully evaluated suggestions within the context of current college initiatives and student success data, project scalability, available college resources, and the potential impact on student learning. Developmental mathematics emerged as the leading opportunity to broadly impact student learning.
Mathematics faculty proposed, and the college approved, Math PLUS – a redesign of the lowest level developmental mathematics course. The overall intention is to redesign the algebra sequence. The college established eight central goal targets in the QEP. Read the full report here.