This regular feature recognizes the achievements, activities, and accolades of Austin Community College District (ACC) faculty and staff. To submit news or suggestions, see the contact information below.
ACC’s first 2023 Provost’s 3Cs Shining Star Award Reception was held Monday, February 6, at the Elgin Campus. Dr. Monique Umphrey recognized the following 3Cs role models who have consistently demonstrated care, connection, and collaboration in their daily work:
- Dr. Janelle Green, Director, Make It Center
- Karen Serna, Director, Student Financial Wellness and Financial Aid Outreach
- Renee Lyon, Manager, Telecommunications
- Dr. Estrella Barrera, Associate Dean, Health Sciences
- Misty Rasmussen, Associate Dean, Planning & Accreditation
- Georgia Branch, Interim Supervisor, Instructional Support Services
Dr. Tim Altanero, Foreign Language professor, was awarded a competitive scholarship to attend a professional development institute for German language educators in Germany this summer. The Goethe Institut [sic] provides professional development seminars in Germany, and Dr. Altanero is one of a handful of community college faculty to receive a scholarship.
Austin Community College District was selected to participate in Talent Strong Texas Pathways, a five-year statewide economic mobility grant administered by the Texas Success Center designed to help increase the number of credentialed Texans prepared for high-demand careers that offer a living wage.
Dr. Roy Casagranda, Government professor, spoke at the World Government Summit 2023 on February 13. In his session, he discussed “What Should Leaders Learn from History?” Watch it here.
Dr. Heather Barfield, Drama adjunct professor, offered introductory remarks to a screening of the new opera, “Eva and the Angel of Death,” which she directed in spring 2022. The screening was hosted by the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. More information can be found here.
Dr. Laura Marmolejo, Advanced Manufacturing Department Chair and associate dean, was featured in the latest segment of Roadtrip Nation in their documentary series called “Chip In”. Laura met with aspiring manufacturing students as they traveled across the nation to learn more bout the industry. Watch here.
Andrew Heinrich, Drama assistant professor, did voice-over work for a serial narrative podcast called “The American Immortal.” Listen to it here.
Ayeesha Green, Student Money Management Office coordinator, presented “Financial Building Blocks: Getting on the Pathway to Build Wealth” at the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) annual state conference in February. Green co-presented on the factors contributing to the racial wealth gap and educated attendees on steps they could take to get on a pathway to build wealth. Attendees learned about their money mindset, creating a spending plan and setting financial goals, savings, reducing debt and building credit, and investing.
ACC’s Career Scholars program is nominated for a 2023 Example of Excelencia award. This program aims to help students get the full support they need to go to college — from covering the costs of tuition, fees, and books to providing wraparound support.
ACC’s Embedded Tutoring program was awarded an internationally-recognized certification by the College Reading and Learning Association. Learn more here.
Paralegal Department Chair Dr. Shawn Slack recently accepted an appointment to the Supreme Court of Texas’s Access to Justice Commission, Legal Services Working Group — Scope of Practice Subcommittee. In this role, Shawn can share insight with regard to how the state might carve out exceptions for paralegals to provide legal services directly to low-income Texans. He also hopes to use the momentum to create the first training plan for students interested in this line of work.
Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm, Operations and Public Affairs executive vice chancellor, was recognized with the Honorary Alumni Award at the Leadership Austin Community Engagement Awards celebration.
Do you know a student, faculty, or staff member who has accomplished something notable outside the classroom or in their community? We want to hear about them. Contact Victoria Garza Gonzalez, ACC internal communications coordinator, at [email protected].