2020-21 Accomplishments
- Established the 3Cs Cross-Functional Planning Team to develop 3Cs tools and resources for ACC employees, including articulating definitions of collaboration, connection, and caring.
- Hosted employee roundtable discussions and provided opportunities to hear from employees across the college on how to define the 3Cs and enhance the work culture.
- With employee input, established the 3Cs definitions of collaboration, connection, and caring.
- Improved emergency notifications, enhancing the college’s ability to reach all stakeholders with vital information during events like the COVID-19 pandemic and Winter Storm “Uri.”
- Expanded Chancellor’s communications to include regular updates to the Board of Trustees, employees, and students.
- Launched Campus Conversations with the Chancellor series (live-streamed and aired on ACCTV) with 10 virtual conversations averaging 300 participants, including three focused on the 3Cs in Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021.
- Designed and launched the employee “Info Hub” for easy access to relevant college news and information.
- Established a Cross-College Communications Team to prioritize collegewide communications, improve channels, and increase communications within and among divisions of the college.
- Launched MyACC student and employee portals to improve access to academic and business systems and work-related information.
- Expanded the FacStaff Digest e-newsletter and social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) to increase the flow of information.
- Set 2021-22 training targets: 100% of administrators, 50% managers, and 25% employees. In 2020-21, 67 administrators and 52 managers received training.
- Assisted the Administrative Services Council (ASC) in revising the employee complaint and grievance process.
- Developed process for upward feedback of supervisors. This work remains ongoing.
- Implemented a virtual wellness program.
- Expanded access to mental health resources.
- Designed and implemented the Employee Climate “Check-In” Survey in Spring 2021.
- Employee satisfaction with college communication increased from 3.2 to 3.7 within a year, surpassing the target of 3.5 on a scale of 1-5.
- The highest area of improvement is “I feel that college decisions are communicated in an accurate and timely manner,” from 2.92 to 3.67.
- Highest overall were: “During emergencies or times of crisis, I receive appropriate safety information,” 4.27; “I have access to ACC news and information I need to do my work effectively,” 4.06; and “I feel my supervisor shares information about college initiatives with me on a regular basis,” 4.01.
2021-22 Next Steps
- Create a 3Cs website and share definitions.
- Promote and conduct the biennial Employee Climate Survey.
- Reach professional development/training targets for administrators (100%), managers (50%), and employees (25%).
- Strengthen connections between a 3Cs work culture and student satisfaction/success.
- Complete the design and implement the process for upward feedback of supervisors.
- Design a 3Cs orientation for new supervisors and employees.
- Implement the complaint and grievance administrative rule and guidelines as approved by ASC.
- Create and promote effective communications tools, resources, and information sessions.