ACC’s Theory of Change process is full steam ahead, hitting another milestone—the launch of the Phase 2 Design Teams. More students have also been added to the Design Teams, and more opportunities for feedback are coming in February.
Phase 2 Design Teams Launch
The Phase 2 Theory of Change Design Teams launched in January. They will begin to evaluate, understand, and analyze College data to lay the foundation and determine opportunities for improvement around their designated topic.
The teams are:
- Student Success Course | Start Strong
- Co-Requisite Courses | Start Strong
- Strategic Scheduling | Enroll Full-Time
- Belonging and Engagement in the Classroom | Belonging & Connection
- Transfer | Belonging & Connection
Student Involvement
Six more students have been hired as Design Team Working Learners, bringing the total number of students working on Phase 1 and 2 Design Teams to 16. These students have been hired as hourly employees through ACC GROW and are guaranteed two semesters of employment. They are listed on the Theory of Change website among other design team members.
Results from the employee and student surveys conducted in the fall to inform the work of the Phase 1 Design Teams are now available. The surveys focused on Theory of Change implementation feedback, required advising, demonstrated practices of caring from employees, and academic tutoring and coaching.
The reports may be found on the Office of Institutional Research and Analytics Design Team Data Resources page in any Phase 1 Design Team data folder under Curated Reports. Note that a BOX account is required to view them.
The spring Theory of Change employee and student surveys will launch on February 25. These surveys will focus primarily on questions related to Phase 2 Design Team topics.
Collegewide Feedback Opportunities

After receiving feedback for more detailed information on the work of our design teams, ACC will host a collegewide community input event. The Theory of Change Exchange will take place from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday, February 28, virtually via Zoom and in person at ACC Highland Campus.
Everyone at the College is invited to hear presentations from the Phase 1 Design Teams and provide feedback or ask questions of any of the 14 design teams. Presentation recordings will be available after the event.
As always, the College Input page on the Theory of Change website remains open for anyone to share feedback directly with any design team.