Following posting in September, the Administrative Services Council (ASC) has approved additional draft modifications of the following Administrative Rule (AR) to be re-posted for comments from ACC employees:
4.0503.02 | Accrued Leave
- Clauses regarding the accrual and calculation of sick leave have been modified for clarity.
The draft proposal is available for viewing and adding comments HERE. Please read the instructions before adding comments.
The deadline for comments is December 3, 2024.
The college’s administrative rules (AR) are informed by Board policy and need to be updated occasionally due to various reasons, such as changes to administrative or operational practices, organizational structure, laws, or legal codes.
ACC’s shared governance model establishes two councils to review changes to these rules:
- Administrative Services Council
- Academic and Student Affairs Council
A third council, the Shared Governance Review Council, reviews and makes recommendations to the chancellor with respect to the structure, functions, and membership of councils and committees at ACC.
After a change is proposed to the respective council, it is presented to the ACC community. Employees have at least 20 days to comment on a proposed change.
After reviewing the feedback, the appropriate council can either send it to the chancellor to be signed or, if there are significant changes, it can be sent out for comment again.
Following posting in July, the Administrative Services Council (ASC) has proposed additional modifications to the following Administrative Rule (AR) and approved the draft with those modifications to be reposted for comments from ACC employees:
1.0200.01 | College Seal and Logo (renamed to “College Brand: Name, Seal, and Logo Usage”)
- The section “College Name Usage” has been further revised for clarity.
- Inconsistencies in the use of capitalization have been corrected.
The deadline for comments was Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
Following posting in August, the Administrative Services Council (ASC) has proposed additional modifications to the following Administrative Rule (AR) and approved the draft with those modifications to be reposted for comments from ACC employees:
4.0503.02 | Accrued Leave
- Sick Leave section, point 9 has been rephrased for clarity.
The deadline for comments was Thursday, October 3, 2024.