Join Austin Community College District (ACC) in celebrating the achievements of Executive Vice Chancellor of Operations & Public Affairs Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm upon her retirement. 

Retirement Celebration

Date: Monday, August 19
Time: 5–7:30 p.m. 
Location: ACC Highland Campus, Building 2000, “Bridges to Success Mural”

Dr. Malcolm will retire after 12 years of service to the College and Central Texas community. Her last day with the College will be August 31.

She joined ACC in September 2012 and led the development and growth of the College’s government and public affairs programs and oversaw safety and operations initiatives. She announced her plans to retire in February 2024. Read our interview with Dr. Malcolm where she discusses the highlights of her career at ACC and her plans for retirement HERE.

This campus reception will offer Riverbat faculty, staff, students, and invited guests from the community an opportunity to wish Dr. Malcolm farewell. 

In honor and recognition of Dr. Malcolm’s years of service to the College, community, and students, the ACC Foundation established a scholarship in her name. Make a donation HERE.

Leave your best wishes for Dr. Malcolm on her retirement in our Padlet wall below.

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