In this month’s ERO Open Forum, ACC Employee Relations Officer (ERO) Austin Wood shares highlights from the 2022-23 Equal Opportunity Annual Report, including the Employee Grievance Process Flow Chart, and encourages employees to continue submitting their questions.

A message from Austin Wood, ACC Employee Relations Officer

Annual Data Review

As we complete the first full academic year of operation, we are pleased to share the 2022-23 Equal Opportunity Annual Report. Employee relations data is included in this report as part of the Administrative Rule: Resolution of an Employee Grievance. We strive to provide timely information regarding trends on an annual basis and will report on the state of the grievance process and resolution and outcomes trends.

Highlights for ERO work in the 2022-23 Equal Opportunity Report include:

  • Consultations make up 45% of all case types. This tells us that employees are mostly seeking options and clarification on processes.
  • ‘Work Culture’ was among the top five inquiries, resulting in the Respect in the Workplace initiative.
  • The Mediation Program was revamped with additional trained mediators across the district and continuous learning thanks to a partnership with the ACC Ombudsperson.

To provide further clarification for employees, the Employee Grievance Process Flow Chart was created. This chart breaks down the steps and timelines throughout the grievance process.

Submit a Topic

We appreciate all of the responses sent in so far to the Questions for ERO survey and encourage employees to continue submitting responses for information that the ERO can clarify. This short and anonymous survey helps shape future communications. Responses can be anything from topics or questions regarding college policies, processes, culture, best practices, or something that impacts your work environment.

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Employees may schedule a convenient time to connect through the ERO Calendly