From the IT Newsletter

ACC’s Information Technology (IT) department shares tips to help you prepare for the winter break as well as useful links, tools, and procedures to get you back on track and ready for work when we return in 2023.

Set Up Your Out-of-Office or Vacation Reply

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. In the top right, click the Settings option then See all settings.
  3. Scroll down to the Vacation Responder section.
  4. Select Vacation Responder on.
  5. Fill in the date range, subject, and message.
  6. Under your message, check the box if you only want your contacts to see your vacation reply.
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Not sure what type of reply you should write? Here are 6 out-of-office templates for the holidays.

Click Out of office or vacation reply to learn how to turn on or off your vacation reply from a mobile device.

Show When You Are Out Of Office

When you indicate that you’re out of the office, your calendar automatically declines all meetings during that time.

  1. Open the Google Calendar app Calendar.
  2. At the bottom right, tap Create + > Out of office.
  3. Select your out-of-office dates. You can also specify a time.
  4. To schedule out-of-office events that repeat, below the day and time you select, tap Does not repeat and then choose a frequency.
  5. Optional: Change your decline settings and edit your decline message.
  6. Tap Save.

Forwarding Your ACC Desk Phone

To forward your ACC phone to another phone number, do the following:

  1. From any phone, dial 512-223-1790.
  2. When the automated voice starts, press Star (*).
  3. When prompted, enter your 5-digit phone extension (the last five digits of your work phone number) and press Pound (#).
  4. When prompted, enter your voicemail PIN (password) and press Pound (#).
  5. Press 4 for Setup Options.
  6. Press 4 for Transfer Settings.
  7. Press 1 to change your Standard Transfer Rule.
  8. Press 2 to change the number callers are forwarded to.
  9. Enter the number you want callers to reach, followed by Pound (#).
  10. You may hang up at this time.
  11. Confirm that your ACC phone is correctly forwarded by dialing your ACC phone and ensuring it is forwarded to the number you entered.

For a full guide that describes how to enable and disable forwarding, click here.

Important IT Links

Forgotten Passwords


Hardware Returns

  • Submit an ACC Service Request Form to begin this process. An IT representative will be in touch to schedule an appointment for the loaner equipment return.


Request Prioritization

  • IT will prioritize student-facing service requests and classroom preparation requests. The technicians will process all faculty/staff requests in the order they are received.