Austin Community College District’s (ACC) summer semester starts May 31, and while enrollment numbers are overall similar to last summer, the college is seeing a significant increase in new student enrollments.
“Among credit summer students, we had particularly strong enrollments among new students, both new traditional and new high school students. Among the areas of study, Business and Computer Science/IT enrollments were up significantly over last year,” says Dr. Jenna Cullinane Hege, Institutional Research & Analytics vice chancellor.
As of May 23, ACC has an unduplicated headcount of 21,079 credit summer students. 4,858 of those students are new, up from 4,009 in 2021, an increase of 21% from last year. New high school student enrollment is 2,368, up from 1,887 last year, and new traditional student enrollment is 2,490, up from 2,122 in 2021.
Continuing education enrollment is also steady for summer with 2,923 students, which is a 2% increase from last year. While credit enrollment for summer typically increases modestly from this point on, continuing education routinely opens new sections and enrolls additional students throughout the remainder of the summer.
Fall Registration Update
Fall registration for continuing students opened May 16, and while it is slightly down from the same time last year, it is too early to see any trends.
This year, new student registration for fall moved up a week from Monday, May 31, to Monday, May 23, to give new students — especially graduating high school seniors — time to work with counselors and enrollment specialists on their high school campus before the school year closes.
The college encourages students to register soon to make sure they get the classes they need.