Austin Community College District (ACC) wants to know which topic the college should focus on for its next Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Voting is now open and runs until September 23, 2021.
The four finalists are:
- Creating a Culture of Inclusivity through Universal Design for Learning
- Digital Fluency For Today’s Jobs
- Investing in the Liberal Arts: Redesigning Gateway Courses
- On The Write Track
To learn more about each of the finalists, watch the September 14 Campus Conversation on the QEP topic selection finalists (recording coming soon).
About the Selection Process
Prior to making decisions about topics, a survey was completed which collected themes of interest from the ACC community. 176 themes were collected and used to guide the next steps.
The QEP Topic Selection Committee reviewed 41 topics in total:
- 16 were submitted through the topic selection form
- 25 were proposals from the college’s 2020-25 Academic Master Plan
Of the 41 topics, the committee selected their top 15 for additional research and consideration. That work led to its top four finalists — two from the AMP and two from the topic selection form.
Next Steps
The winning topic will be the one that receives the most votes and will be announced at ACC’s 2021 General Assembly on Friday, October 1.
Upon selection of the topic, a second QEP committee will work from October 2021 until August 2022 to create a five-year action plan for the chosen topic. Recruiting for this committee will start soon. To learn more, visit the QEP Development Committee page.
The QEP is a vital step in the reaffirmation of ACC’s accreditation. For more information, and to vote for your favorite topic, visit the QEP website.