Austin Community College District (ACC) students, faculty, and staff can continue to ride Capital Metro for free through fall 2022 using a Digital Green Pass.
The original agreement between ACC and Capital Metro was approved in 2019. ACC Trustees voted to extend the option another year at the regular August 2021 board meeting. ACC retains the option to extend the agreement an additional year, through fall 2023.
The pass, available starting August 9 for the fall semester, offers students, faculty, and staff unlimited rides on the Capital Metro transit system. They must apply for the pass each semester.
All passes remain digital until further notice.
As ridership remains low during the pandemic, Capital Metro will only charge ACC for actual ridership as opposed to the original base cost of almost $422,000.
Passes may be requested at the ACC Transportation website. For more information, including frequently asked questions, visit ACC’s Green Pass webpage.