Austin Community College District (ACC) received a clean report of its annual financial audit. The examination was conducted by external firm, Weaver and Tidwell, LLP. The firm presented its findings to the college’s Board of Trustees on Monday, December 2.
The audit process began in July 2024 and concluded in December 2024. Weaver and Tidwell evaluated ACC’s adherence to Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), and compliance with federal and state award requirements. The firm also conducted tests on ACC’s compliance with various laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements.
In addition to reviewing the College’s financial statements, auditors conducted detailed examinations of specific areas, including:
- Student financial aid packages
- Adult Education programs
- Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG)
The audit resulted in an unmodified opinion confirming that no material misstatements were identified. Additionally, no findings related to internal controls, issues with major federal programs, instances of fraud or illegal acts, or weaknesses were discovered. Overall, the College received a clean audit for the fiscal year.