Stay up to date on all that’s unfolding with the College’s Theory of Change. During the  December Virtual Employee Town Hall meeting held on Friday, December 6, Chancellor Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart discussed the overall process. 

Russell explained that the College is still in the first of three phases. He shared a presentation that provided a timeline and overview. 

Phase 1: Foundation

In phase 1 — the College is learning about our current and standard processes. It’s considered a grounding phase. During this phase, design teams will evaluate, understand, and analyze college data so we can “ground ourselves in where our opportunities (are) for improvement.”

Special design teams were formed in June, and the work kicked off in fall 2024. Over the past few months, the first of these teams began to meet and identify common practices at ACC. Surveys went out to both students and employees to assess where we are, what’s working, and what’s not working. The confidential survey, which closed Sunday, November 24, resulted in more than 70 pages of employee feedback.

The second set of design teams will begin this foundational work in spring 2025. 

Phase 2: Preparation

Some design teams will move into phase 2 starting in spring 2025. In phase 2, these teams will learn about best practices at other institutions across the state and nation. This type of work is benchmarking. Each design team will come back to the College when they’ve done all their benchmarking to share what they’ve learned.

Some Design Teams have already started this work. For example, the Basic Needs Design Team made a visit to Dallas College to see how they’re helping meet basic needs and how they’re doing it at scale.

After benchmarking, the teams will begin to come up with ideas for ways ACC can improve our own processes 

Phase 3: Construction

Phase 3 is when the real design work begins at ACC. Teams will help build new processes and standards to support each of the Theory of Change Pillars. The work is expected to begin in summer 2025. There will be ongoing opportunities for feedback so that employees who are on the front lines can influence our next steps. 

Once design is complete, the College will start to deliver and implement these opportunities.  

Sharing Your Ideas

While some feedback opportunities have already started, Russell stressed that there will be many more opportunities available during each phase. 

“Currently, there’s a lot of feedback about leadership at the college. Feedback helps us get better. We’re not going to be afraid of it or be punished for it. We’re going to receive it with JOY, COURAGE, and COMPASSION. We’re going to see how we can respond to it with YES,” said Russell.

You can share feedback at any time through the College Input page on the Theory of Change website. 

You can see where each team is in the process by visiting their page and viewing their meeting agendas, minutes, and other documents in the repository link. Visit to informed.