While it may feel like the semester has just begun, now is the perfect time for students to start planning for what’s next—spring 2025. With registration kicking off on October 14 for current students and October 18 for everyone, the sooner they apply, the better prepared they’ll be.

Current Students

Current students can begin preparing now by reviewing the course schedule, meeting with their advisor, and making sure everything is in place for a smooth registration process. Planning for spring registration isn’t something they have to tackle alone. The College encourages all students to meet with their advisor to make sure they are taking the classes they need to succeed.

They can find more information on the PLAN NOW page.

New-to-ACC Students

If you know a student interested in applying to ACC, encourage them to start applying now. The application process can take some time to get through, and this can help ensure they’re ready to register when it opens for all students. ACC offers 1-on-1 help to help them get the classes they need. 

They can find more information on the APPLY NOW page.

Important Spring 2025 Dates

For spring 2025, registration dates are based on the number of ACC course credits a student has completed. Current and former students with 60 or more ACC credit hours, along with parenting students, can begin registering on the first day of registration, Monday, October 14, allowing them extra time to secure their classes. See the schedule below or visit the Registration & Important Dates page for the full registration timeline. Registration opens to all students on Friday, October 18.

Student# ACC Credit HoursRegistration Start Date
Current/Former60+ or parenting studentsMonday, October 14
Current/Former45+ or parenting studentsTuesday, October 15
Current/Former30+ or parenting studentsWednesday, October 16
Current/Former15+ or parenting studentsThursday, October 17
Current/Former & New0-14+ or parenting studentsFriday, October 18

The spring semester begins Tuesday, January 21, 2025.