This regular feature recognizes the achievements, activities, and accolades of Austin Community College District (ACC) faculty and staff. To submit news or suggestions, see the contact information below.
ACC Biology Chair Curtis Eckerman was featured in Texas Monthly. The magazine tagged along with our “moth man” one evening during a mothing expedition to photograph the insects. He has photographed more than 550 species in his backyard. Find the article here.
Caroline Hoang, coordinator in the Student Money Management Office, was recently selected as a board member for the Texas Association of Collegiate Financial Education Professionals (TACFEP). Caroline will serve a two-year term, contributing to the advancement of financial education across Texas. Learn more about TACFEP at
Bioscience Incubator Director Nancy Lyon was featured on a Health & Life Sciences panel discussion hosted by the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce. Read about the event here.
Angelica Cancino de Sandoval, director of Special Support & Grants, was one of 35 area leaders accepted into this year’s Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Austin Leadership cohort.
Austin Community College District has earned recognition for developing a high-scoring nonpartisan democratic engagement action plan. ALL IN awarded us with the Highly Established Action Plan Seal for the 2024 election cycle. We’re one of 192 campuses nationwide to earn the recognition so far.
ACC was featured by Civitas Learning for boosting persistence by 4% within three years. Their piece shared how we are transforming success through strategic scheduling, engagement tracking, proactive advising, and instructional collaboration.
Ursula Pike, Creative Writing adjunct instructor and executive director of Grant Development & Compliance, was awarded the Sylvia Clare Brown Fellowship for a 3-week artist’s residency. Ursula is currently at the Ragdale Artists Residency in Lake Forest, Illinois, working on her second nonfiction book.
Emily Grigsby, an adjunct professor in ACC’s Professional Nursing Department, was one of eight recipients to win a Study Abroad Development Grant to support the creation of new faculty-led multi-year study abroad programs statewide. The $6,000 grant from the Texas International Education Consortium will be used to develop ACC’s First Global Community and Public Health Clinical Offering, an international work-based experience program for registered nurses.
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) student Genevieve Kent Elbaor has been selected as a 2024 Dr. Mary Hood Texas Region Scholar and will receive a $1,500 scholarship. The scholarship is presented to Texas applicants with the highest scores from PTK’s Spring Scholarship Application, which helps new members defray educational expenses while enrolled in associate degree programs.
The ACC Teacher Education Program was awarded a $480,000 grant from Travis County to continue ACC’s Teacher/Director TRAC program. Our program is designed to improve the quality of early care and education in Travis County. Students can get free tuition for up to three courses each semester, textbook vouchers, and special academic and career advising.
ACC and our partners at dwg and RedLeaf Properties recently received an honor award from the American Society of Landscape Architects for the design construction of the St. John Encampment Commons, one of the newest green spaces at ACC Highland.
Associate Adjunct Professor of Biology Dr. Rodney Rohde published two major articles about dengue and monkeypox. “Dengue Is Spreading: Is Warmer Weather to Blame?” was published by the American Society for Microbiology on August 12, and “What is mpox? A microbiologist explains what’s known about this smallpox cousin” was posted on The Conversation on August 15. The monkeypox article has led to multiple interviews, including one with ABC Radio in Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Rohde also was highlighted in the new book: “Data, Security, and Trust in Smart Cities.” He co-wrote a chapter with international health expert Regina Phelps. Together, they take a real-world look at the COVID-19 pandemic and the intersection of its impact on public trust, misinformation, and healthcare in the U.S. and world.
Dr. Nina Almasy, Dean of Health Sciences, was selected as an advisory member for the Texas Healthcare Workforce Task Force created by Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). The Healthcare Workforce Task Force and advisory members will meet monthly and gather insights from state agency experts and additional healthcare stakeholders throughout Texas. The task force will issue a final report on October 1, 2024. Learn more here.
Student Support Services leaders Dr. Ruth Reinhart, Kathy James, and Hilda Gartzeke served as panelists at the Civitas Learning Leadership Workshop in June, where they highlighted their successes in using the Civitas platform to enhance student engagement and persistence.
The ACC Center for Peace & Conflict Studies received a $10,000 Inspiring Campus Change grant from Interfaith America. The grant will support a research project to better understand the religious, secular, and spiritual identities of ACC students and how these identities shape their academic journey. The college is one of 11 recipients of this year’s grant. Learn more here.
Adjunct Jewelry Faculty Sugar Gay Isber had her work featured in the film “Hit Man” by director Richard Linklater. The movie, available on Netflix and in theaters, features actress Jo-Ann Robinson adorned with unique pieces crafted by Isber in her Austin-area studio.
Do you know a student, faculty, or staff member who has accomplished something notable outside the classroom or in their community? We want to hear about them. Contact Victoria Garza Gonzalez, ACC internal communications coordinator, at [email protected].