Austin Community College District (ACC) will close in observance of Independence Day on Thursday, July 4. The college reopens Friday, July 5. Employees are reminded to turn on their out-of-office replies.

Employees are also reminded that ACC Chancellor Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart announced during the June Virtual Employee Town Hall that the first week of July is “No Meeting Week” and that every Friday in July will be “No Email Fridays.” These opportunities will look different for everyone and employees are expected to use their judgment. The intention is for employees to find time to reconnect with each other, get organized, and get some things off their plates. 

Registration Remains Open for Students

Registration for 5.5-week summer courses remains open. The short semester begins July 1. Students may view the summer course schedule online. 

Fall registration remains open, and the fall course schedule may be viewed here. Classes begin Monday, August 26. For more information and to register, visit