At ACC, safety is everyone’s responsibility. The Campus Assessment Response Evaluation and Support (CARES) team has developed a Student Emergency Response card to assist faculty and staff in responding to student emergencies.

The card is a quick reference guide and provides easy access to the CARES referral form. Below are some top tips. 

How to Respond to a Student Emergency:

  1. Assess the Situation:
    • Ask yourself if the student’s behavior has the potential to harm others or themselves.
  2. Take Action:
    • If the answer is yes, or you are unsure, call 911 or ACC police at 512-223-1231 immediately. Then, submit a CARES referral form.
    • If the answer is no, but you still have concerns, submit a CARES referral form.

ACC’s CARES program promotes the health and safety of ACC students and our entire college community. The CARES team encourages prevention and early intervention when it comes to concerning behavior.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to pick up a Student Emergency Response card at the Campus Manager’s Office on any ACC campus.

Learn more about the CARES program here.