The summer semester is here, and summer enrollment continues its climb over the past couple of years.
As of May 28, 2024, ACC’s unduplicated summer headcount is 25,398. That is an increase of 6.71% from last year and 11.52% from 2022.
Of those 25,049 students, 6,920 are new to ACC. That is a 10.31% increase from 2023 and a 22.59% increase from 2022.
As faculty and staff, our students look to us for support and guidance. Below are some helpful resources you can share.
The college developed a support website to provide information about getting to campus and tips to start the semester strong. The 10 Tips for a Great Summer 2024 Semester web page was created with students in mind.
Here are some additional resources you can share to help students prepare for summer classes.
Finding Their Classes
Students can find out where their class is located by checking the course schedule or class syllabus. It should also contain when the class meets and where they should go.
- Example:

Most campuses have an easy-to-remember numbering style. The first number tells you what building to go to, and the second number tells you what floor the room is on.
- Example: Room 1142: Building 1000 at Cypress Creek Campus; 1st Floor; Room 1142
Getting to Campus
Parking permits are now digital and are available at no charge. Everyone who plans to park on campus will need to sign up for their ACC parking permit.
Eligible ACC faculty, staff, and students who use public transportation can ride Capital Metro for free. The special Cap Metro Green Pass at ACC gives you unlimited rides on Capital Metro Fixed Route Service, Express Bus Service, MetroAccess, MetroRail services, and their new on-demand transit service, Pickup.
Getting to Know Their Campus
Help eliminate the stress of finding their classes by getting students familiar with their campus before the first day. Every ACC campus is unique, so have them bookmark their campus page for important information they will need all semester, like building maps, department contact information, and campus hours.
Accessing Free Support
As a Riverbat, students get access to a ton of free support services. ACC has teams ready to help every step of the way — from academic and technological to financial and personal support resources. Click here to see everything available for FREE to ACC students.
Connecting With Resources
Help students get familiar with quick links to the information they’ll need all semester. Share the link to their MyACC account for fast access to Blackboard, registration, grades, class schedule, notifications, and more.
Staying Informed
This summer, ACC introduces a new resource to keep students connected to all the latest news and events happening at ACC that impact them. Tell them to bookmark the Student InfoHub today. Students can also register for the Riverbat Echo. It’s a special student newsletter that goes out each week and provides important reminders and information. Click here to sign up.