Austin Community College District (ACC) has completed the initial Planning and Discovery phase of its Student Information System (SIS) transition to Workday Student. 

The Workday team was onsite in October to launch the next phase, Architecture and Configuration, which is expected to run through summer 2024. During this visit, the ACC Project Team and Workday consultants conducted productive discussions and collaboration as Workday presented the most current version of the ACC Workday Student Information System. 

During the visit, the teams met with ACC Subject Matter Experts and examined ACC’s business processes to ensure the final product meets the functional areas’ specific needs. 

Additionally, the ACC Project and Workday teams identified the following four unique Organizational Change Management (OCM) workstreams: 

  • Training
  • Communication Content Development
  • Readiness & Acceptance
  • Testing Preparation 

These workstreams will collaborate with Student Affairs and Instructional stakeholders to ensure ACC faculty and staff are ready for the upcoming SIS transition. 


ACC’s Instruction and Student Affairs project teams each release their own newsletters for their teams. The division is based on the nature of Workday Student, which involves aspects directed towards students and curriculum.

Read the latest Instruction/Academic Affairs Workday Student newsletter HERE.

Read the latest Student Affairs Workday Student newsletter HERE.

Upcoming Events

The Student Affairs (SA) SIS Modernization team hosts a Workday Student Roadshow series aimed at SA staff. These in-person events provide information about Workday Student and demonstrate how SA staff will be able to use and benefit from it. The next roadshow takes place on Friday, December 8, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. at ACC Highland Campus. This series is only open to Student Affairs staff. Registration is required.

On Wednesday, December 13, from 9:30-11 a.m., the SIS Instruction/Academic Affairs team hosts a gathering in the ACC Highland Black Box Theater to discuss the Workday Student project. While the primary focus is engaging with Instructional administrators and program specialists (acknowledging the upcoming grade submissions), anyone interested in the Workday Student project at this stage is invited to attend.