A message from Austin Wood, Employee Relations Officer

Since assuming the role of Austin Community College District’s Employee Relations Officer in June 2023, I have been working with employees across the district to address workplace concerns. Thanks to districtwide collaboration, it is incredible that this role launched in May 2022 and has already assisted 250 individuals in its inaugural year. 

Reflecting on my first 90 days in this role, I am excited to be a part of the growing awareness of ERO services to support employees and supervisors in a consistent, transparent, and equitable manner for all employees. 

Data collected from my initial 90 days indicate the most common case type is Employee Relations Consultations. Performance Management cases come in a close second, followed by Employee Grievances.

The Equal Opportunity Compliance Office is gearing up to publish its 2022-2023 Annual Report later this year. This report will provide additional data analysis on all areas within the department. It allows the office to continue to adjust the type of proactive support and development of districtwide initiatives based on ever-changing trends in employee concerns or issues.

Help Inform the ERO

Data collection on current cases is helpful, but we also want to hear from employees regarding the type of information from the ERO that you consider most helpful.

To help shape future communications, please complete this short and anonymous Questions for ERO survey. 

Responses can be anything from topics or questions regarding college policies, processes, culture, best practices, or something that impacts your work environment.

Need one-on-one support? Employees may schedule a convenient time to connect through the ERO Calendly

Guidance around the Employee Grievance process is available within the Resolution of an Employee Grievance (Administrative Rule) and corresponding Guidelines/Procedures.


As part of ACC’s partnership with Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program, employees and supervisors have access to monthly newsletters that cover a variety of relevant topics. Regularly updated links to these publications are posted online at austincc.edu/eap

The ACC Human Resources team also has coordinated a number of virtual professional development sessions. Click here to learn more.