The Austin Community College District (ACC) Board of Trustees approved several contracts for the 2022 General Obligation Bond Projects at Hays, Round Rock, and Southeast Travis campuses at their regular June meeting.
Trustees approved the selection of architectural and engineering teams for the Hays Campus expansion and for the new campus construction at the land in Southeast Travis County. They also approved the selection of a construction manager at risk for the Applied Technology Expansion at Round Rock Campus.
Hays Campus
The college received six submittals for Architectural and Engineering (AE) services for the Hays Campus expansion project. The Board voted to approve HarrisonKornberg Architects, LLC to design a new Health Sciences Building and a campus Center Utility Plant. $100 million of the 2022 bond program was allocated to Hays.
Southeast Travis County Campus
Trustees voted to approve Barnes Gromatzsky Kosarek Architects as the AE firm for the all-new Southeast Travis County Campus. The college received seven proposals for AE services for the new campus. $200 million of the bond program was dedicated to the new campus.
The project includes the construction of several buildings, which may consist of the following depending on the budget:
• General Education classrooms,
• Automotive Technology facilities,
• Auto Collision Repair facilities,
• Building Construction Technology facilities,
• Heating/Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Technology (HART) facilities,
• Welding Technology facilities,
• Advanced Manufacturing facilities, and a
• Campus Central Utility Plant.
Round Rock Campus Applied Technology Expansion
Trustees approved the administration’s recommendation for the Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) for the Applied Technology Expansion at Round Rock Campus. Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC was chosen among six proposals to oversee the renovation and expansion of Building 5000 as well as the construction of a new building.
Trustees are expected to vote on the CMaR for Hays Campus at their July meeting and the AE team for Pinnacle Campus and CMaR for Southeast Travis Campus at their August meeting.