More than 250 ACC faculty and staff districtwide provided their input on the college’s next Strategic Plan on Friday, March 24. The 3-hour, in-person session was hosted simultaneously at each of the college’s 11 campuses.
Employees who participated learned about the process consultants are guiding us through to develop our new Strategic Plan. Then, they got together in groups to review the draft themes and recommendations for possible initiatives and provide their feedback.
“This event was the 3Cs in action from beginning to end. Participants appreciated the opportunity to engage with colleagues from all areas of the college to offer input on something as important as ACC’s Strategic Plan,” says Dr. Mary Harris, ACC Institutional Effectiveness & Grant Development vice chancellor. “Once completed, I’m hopeful faculty and staff will be proud to take ownership of a strategic plan that they truly were engaged in creating.”
This was the second opportunity for faculty and staff to share their feedback on ACC’s next Strategic Plan. Approximately 80 employees attended the first session which was held during the college’s General Assembly in September 2022.
Next Steps
Consultants also have met with ACC’s Regional Advisory Committees and will soon meet with our workforce partners and the Board of Trustees to solicit their input on themes and give them an opportunity to offer ideas.
Once all feedback has been collected, ACC’s Strategic Planning Committee will work with the consultants to review student and community input for alignment with the three established themes and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Later in the spring, the work done by the planning committee will be introduced to the internal and external college community for input.
The strategic plan will be finalized in August. Learn more on ACC’s Strategic Plan website.