In this month’s Data Debrief video, Dr. Jenna Cullinane Hege, Institutional Research & Analytics vice chancellor, focuses on the Inspire Academic Alert System. This new system helps students complete courses successfully and persist by connecting students to just-in-time support.
If a student stops attending class, misses an assignment, or does poorly on a test, faculty can use the Academic Alert System as an intervention tool. Academic guidance specialists who receive the alerts can then step in to help students resolve issues and access needed resources designed to help them get back on track and successfully complete the course.
Recently, the Office of Institutional Research & Analytics (OIRA) developed new reports to track the implementation and expansion of the Academic Alert System. Working in partnership with Student Affairs and Instructional colleagues, OIRA is now tracking weekly lead indicators — such as the number of alerts raised and the outreach that takes place in response to an alert — and measuring outcomes at the end of the term — like grades, withdrawal reasons, and persistence to the next term.
A critical lead measure for scaling the Academic Alert system is to increase the number of faculty raising alerts in fall 2022 to 170, which is about 10% of faculty.
Check out the video below to learn more about ACC’s progress toward this goal and the associated data.
If you would like to receive the bi-weekly academic alert report, reach out to OIRA at [email protected].
If you would like to learn more about using the Academic Alert System, visit