Austin Community College District (ACC) will launch a new “one-stop shop” for student accessibility services (SAS). Known as Accessible Information Management (AIM) — this new system will help the college streamline services for students who need them. AIM is managed by the college’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS) team.

AIM uses the college’s single login service, OKTA, and integrates key information from Colleague such as class lists, student-level course information, GPA, textbook requirements, student academic information, and faculty information. 

Starting November 7, 2022 — new students will be able to log into the AIM system and request services.  They will also find support options and resources they need in one place. Additionally, faculty and staff will have a single system to review, submit, and monitor services for students.

For Students

AIM will provide students a unique, mobile-friendly dashboard where they can access their accommodations and information. Once logged in, students can:

  • Complete SAS application and upload documents and disability diagnostic information;
  • Request appointments (integration with Google calendar); 
  • Request alternative format books/course material; 
  • Request and schedule accommodated testing;
  • Complete testing contract online;
  • View approved accommodation online;
  • Receive accessible instructional materials after they have been converted;
  • Deliver and retrieve classroom notes. 

For Faculty 

Faculty who work closely with students who use SAS services will log into AIM to better communicate and support their students. AIM features allow faculty to: 

  • View accommodation notices online in a central location;
  • View list of students who have requested accommodations in their courses; 
  • Send instructional materials for conversion into accessible formats;
  • Upload tests and complete a testing agreement that outlines the details for all exams in your class, and copy that information to multiple sections of their course;
  • Review exam requests submitted by students in their courses.

For SAS Staff

Staff, primarily those who work within the SAS office, will use AIM to:

  • Assign caseloads to individual staff; 
  • Send accommodation notices to faculty and students simultaneously;
  • Deliver accessible instructional materials directly to students;
  • Schedule sign language interpreters and CART;
  • Schedule and track hours for Access Assistants (readers/scribes);
  • Create distribution lists and e-mail templates;
  • Checkout and monitor equipment loans and automate reminders for returns;
  • Establish key reports that track information on students who are approved for accommodations but did not use them, identify when students started to use approved accommodations, track open rates on communications sent to students, faculty, or staff, and distribute key communications through an SMS (text messaging system).

Staff and faculty who work with students are encouraged to share information about the transition to AIM. 

SAS is preparing instructional workflows for faculty, and staff will soon be available for departmental training. Please contact Dr. Lauren Sebel at [email protected] to request training.  

For more information, visit If you know a student who may need any accommodations, please use our Refer a Student form. If you’d like to learn more about AIM and our SAS program, contact the SAS team at [email protected].