Austin Community College District (ACC) would like to recognize the following employees who retired this fall and thank them for their service to the college. ACC faculty and staff are encouraged to share their memories in the comments below. 

This list will be updated throughout the semester. 

Carol Johnson, Office of the Provost Executive Assistant I, 23 years of service

Sharon Cardenas, Admissions and Enrollment, 44 years of service
Frank Cronin, Integrated Reading & Writing, 26 years of service
Traci Kopp, Student Affairs, 26 years of service
John Rodriguez, District Police, 26 years of service
Sharon Butler, General Studies (Liberal Arts), 25 years of service
Patricia Dungan, Integrated Reading & Writing, 24 years of service
Tanya Riddick, Campus & High School Relations, 23 years of service
Mark Harden, Veteran Affairs, 22 years of service
Melanie Hickerson, Art, 22 years of service
Chris Hernandez, District Police, 22 years of service
Debbie Talavera, Adult Education, 20 years of service
Kris Seago, Government, 18 years of service
Dana Tucker, HR Compensation, 17 years of service
Betty Bell, Procure to Pay, 16 years of service
David Tucker, Cypress Creek Campus, 16 years of service
Rosamaria Martinez, Social Services, 15 years of service
Kimberly Greer, Cypress Creek Campus, 14 years of service
Matthew Knezevich, Computer Information Technology, 14 years of service
Lisa Gillespie, Library Services, 12 years of service
Nancy Cordell, Chancellor’s Office, 12 years of service
Sharon Kerr, Professional Nursing, 11 years of service
Virginia Volpe, Music, 10 years of service
Alison Kwiecinski, Mathematics, 10 years of service
Emily Wilson, Adult Education, 9 years of service
Deborah Femat, Facilities & Construction, 7 years of service
Nancy Gilchrest, District Police, 6 years of service
Kevin Thompson, District Police, 5 years of service
James Molloy, Public Safety Training Center, 4 years of service