Updated July 8, 2022

Austin Community College District (ACC) is administered through a system of administrative rules (AR), which are informed by Board policy. These rules need to be updated occasionally due to various reasons, such as changes to administrative or operational practices, organizational structure, laws, or legal codes.

ACC’s shared governance model establishes two councils to review changes to these rules: 

  • Administrative Services Council 
  • Academic and Student Affairs Council

A third council, the Shared Governance Review Council, reviews and makes recommendations to the chancellor with respect to the structure, functions, and membership of councils and committees at ACC.

After a change is proposed to the respective council, it is presented to the ACC community. Employees have at least 20 days to comment on a proposed change. 

After reviewing the feedback, the appropriate council can either send it to the chancellor to be signed or, if there are significant changes, it can be sent out for comment again. 

Below are proposed changes to the administrative rules that are now available for comment:

The Administrative Services Council (ASC) has reviewed and approved proposed changes to the following Administrative Rule (AR) and Guideline/Procedure (G/P) and posted the drafts for comments from ACC employees:

4.0502.04, Educational Advancement Program     
4.0502.04.1, Educational Advancement Program (G/P)

The documents have been updated to align with current practices, processes, and procedures.

The drafts are available for viewing and adding comments HERE. Please read the instructions before adding comments.

The deadline for comments is July 27, 2022.

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Below are proposed changes to the administrative rules that were available for comment and have since closed.

The Administrative Services Council (ASC) has reviewed and approved proposed changes to the following Administrative Rule (AR) and Guidelines/Procedures (G/P) and posted the drafts for comments from ACC employees:

3.0901.01, Records Management Program
3.0901.01.1, Records Center (G/P)
Disposition of College Records (G/P)

The documents have been updated to align with current practices, processes, and procedures.

The deadline for comments was July 5, 2022.

The Administrative Services Council (ASC) has reviewed and approved proposed changes to the following Administrative Rule (AR) and posted the draft for comments from ACC employees:

4.0501.06,  Full-Time Faculty Placement and Advancement
The AR has been updated to align with current practices, processes, and procedures.

The deadline for comments was May 30, 2022.

The Academic and Student Affairs Council (ASAC) has reviewed proposed changes to the following committee structure, Administrative Rules (AR), and Guideline/Procedure (G/P), and posted the drafts for comments from ACC employees:

Proposed Adjunct Staffing Committee
The role, functions and membership of the ACC e-Staffing Committee are significantly modified.  The committee becomes the Adjunct Staffing Committee with broader responsibilities. The proposed committee still reports to the Academic and Student Affairs Council.

4.06.013, Adjunct Faculty Workloads (Administrative Rule and Guideline/Procedure)
The AR has been clarified and G/P added. Temporary Emergency Hire procedures, beginning contract date, and access to distance learning courses have been updated. Overall workload limits remain the same.

4.06.005, Review of Adjunct Faculty Administrative Rules (Administrative Rule) 
The AR has been updated to allow the Adjunct Faculty Association to request a procedural review, and adds a member to the review panel.  

The deadline for comments was March 31, 2022.

The Academic and Student Affairs Council (ASAC) has reviewed and approved proposed changes to the following Administrative Rule and posted the draft for comments from ACC employees:

4.01.004,  Academic Standards of Progress

The deadline for comments was Friday, March 25.

3.09.001, Sustainable Construction and College Operations
The documents have been updated to align with the College’s sustainability goals, current industry standards and best practices, and the City of Austin’s long-term resource plan.

The deadline for comments was February 22, 2022.

3.07.001, Legal Counsel

  • A list of authorized Legal Liaisons has been added for reference.
  • Other changes add clarity to the rule’s content.

3.1800.01, Acceptable Use of College Information Resources

  • This new rule is intended to replace AR (and G/P) 3.05.002, Use of College Information Systems, which will be rescinded after the new AR is adopted.
  • The AR has been condensed and refers students and employees to the appropriate regulations and resources on the ACC IT website.

3.1800.02, Use of Technology Resources

  • This new rule is intended to replace: AR 3.01.003, Use of Telecommunication Resources, and AR (and G/P) 3.05.006, ACCmail (Student Only), which will be rescinded after the new AR is adopted.*
  • The ARs have been combined and condensed, and the new AR refers students and employees to the appropriate regulations and resources on the ACC IT website.

6.06.002,  Employment of Personnel

Summary of changes:
– A statement has been added to affirm that employees must maintain Texas residency as a requirement of employment.
– Additional edits update and add clarity to the AR.

The deadline for comments was October 28, 2021.