Explore how ACC and others are making education more accessible during Open Education (OE) Week 2022 March 7-11. OE Week is a global event that seeks to raise awareness of free and open educational resources and the benefits they bring to teachers and learners. Around the world, libraries, colleges, and universities are participating in a variety of activities and events to celebrate #OEweek.
ACC offers a blend of both Zero Cost Textbook and Open Educational Resource (ZTC/OER) courses to help save students money. To date, ACC students enrolled in these classes have saved more than $12 million in textbook costs and related fees!
Join your colleagues in celebrating #OEweek with the opportunities below.
Learn About Incorporating OER at ACC
Open Educational Resources (OER) are low-cost or free teaching, learning, and research resources in the public domain or released with an open license. Typically, OER can be combined or adapted by the faculty member to suit their teaching needs and methods. ACC has a variety of supports to help you get started. Learn more at austincc.edu/OER.
Visit Your Campus Library
Join us at your campus library to see what students are saying about how textbook prices have impacted their educational journey at ACC. Library Services hosts pop-up surveys for current students. Participants are invited to share how much money they spent on textbooks this semester and report on how they may have better spent those funds elsewhere on rent, groceries, bills, or even more ACC courses. Distance Education students may also participate by sharing their responses on this padlet.
Get Engaged on Social Media
Follow the college’s Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (@accTLED) and Library Services (@ACCLibraryServices) on social media to engage in the conversation about OER at ACC. We’ll share videos, photos, research articles, and more throughout the week. Faculty & students are encouraged to share their journey with OER and ZTC courses using the following hashtags:
- #OEweek
- #accOER
- #OER
- #textbookbroke