The deadline has been extended to March 7, 2022. |
ACC wants to hear from you. The Office of Institutional Research & Analytics (OIRA) is now surveying ACC employees (faculty and staff) on their engagement and satisfaction with the college. Your feedback in the 2022 ACC Employee Climate Survey will help identify strengths and opportunities for growth as a workplace.
Employees should follow the link they received in their email on Monday, February 7, to complete the survey.
The Employee Climate Survey is available online and may be completed on both computer and mobile devices. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and remains open until Sunday, March 6.
Maintaining your privacy is essential. To ensure employee confidentiality, only two analysts in OIRA will have access to individual survey results. OIRA will report survey results at the aggregate group level only (employee group, race/ethnicity, etc.), and no employees will be identified or connected to their data in any reports of the survey findings.
If you have questions, please email Dr. Xiaoling Liang at [email protected].