Austin Community College (ACC) announces a new administrative rule designed to encourage the amicable resolution of employee concerns.
The Resolution of an Employee Grievance (AR 6.08.005) provides a new process to fairly and promptly resolve workplace concerns. Driven by input from the ACC employee associations and stakeholders districtwide, it features a new position responsible for providing oversight of the college’s grievance process.
The Employee Relations Officer (ERO) will coordinate with employees and supervisors to provide a fair, equitable, and timely process to address formal grievances. The informal resolution of employee concerns will be encouraged, with a focus on maintaining a productive work environment. The ERO will serve as a dedicated resource to ensure that the grievance process features:
- A timely and clearly communicated process
- Addressing issues at the appropriate organizational level
- Relevant expertise and consideration of the input of those impacted by decisions
- Accountability at all levels and in all phases of the grievance process
The creation of the ERO has also driven the expansion of the college’s Compliance Office, now known as the Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC Office). As a trusted resource, positioning the ERO within the current structure ensures that employee concerns will be addressed using a consistent process and approach.
In addition to addressing discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, the EOC Office will manage all concerns that affect the overall goal of providing a safe and positive working environment. Matters involving reports of bullying, workplace culture, and communication will be addressed with the highest level of review and scrutiny to more comprehensively serve the ACC community.
Support offered through the Office of the Ombudsperson remains unaffected. The ACC Ombudsperson continues to provide employees with an informal, confidential, neutral, and independent forum for resolving conflict.
The Office will continue reporting to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration.