Contributed by: Mauri Winters, HR Benefits Coordinator
ACC’s Human Resources encourages employees to take advantage of new, seasonal webinars to help manage stress, practice gratitude, and enhance your overall quality of life.
Below are highlights of what’s to come:
Tuesday, December 7 @ 12 p.m. | Managing the Stress of the Holidays – The holidays are a joyous time for many but can come with additional activities and responsibilities that can be quite stressful. This practical presentation provides helpful tips and strategies for managing stress and keeping life in balance during the season.
Register HERE to attend.
Tuesday, December 7 @ 2 p.m. | Drug and Alcohol Awareness – Join us for this workshop to discuss the impacts that drug and alcohol abuse can have on individuals at home and in the workplace. This workshop examines:
o Signs and symptoms of substance use
o Stages of addiction
o Skills for referring employees to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), other treatment providers, and/or drug and alcohol testing
o Supervisor responsibilities, including how to deal with employees who have job performance problems that could be related to alcohol and other drugs
Register HERE to attend.
Wednesday, December 8 @ 2 p.m. | Paying it Forward: Making Time to Make a Difference Understand the small but powerful ways that everyone can ‘pay it forward’ and make a difference in the lives of others.
Register HERE to attend.
Thursday, December 9 @ 10 a.m. | Gratitude: Science & Practical Application – In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the proven benefits and practical application of gratitude. Gratitude has been studied and researched extensively. We now know that daily practice can have a profound effect on health and quality of life. This skill (that CAN be learned) rewires the brain, shifts perspective, and builds mental and emotional resilience to help us handle daily hassles and stress more effectively.
Participants will leave this workshop with:
o scientific research on how gratitude affects the brain and increases resiliency
o ways to integrate gratitude into your daily rituals and habits
o a weekly gratitude log that can be used to maintain a consistent practice
Register HERE to attend.
Webinars and recordings are available HERE.