Austin Community College District’s (ACC) 3Cs initiative has taken several steps this spring toward improving the climate at the college for all employees through collaboration, connection, and caring.
The Cross-College Communications Team (CCCT) has met a number of times since being formed late last year. The team has made progress on its primary goals to reimagine the Faculty and Staff landing page as an information hub and help improve the flow of college communications from the top-down, bottom-up, and across units.
The college shared a preview of a new InfoHub for faculty and staff in March and solicited feedback from employees. The site is expected to launch in mid-April.
Another cross-functional subcommittee was created to develop 3Cs tools and resources for ACC employees. They have set up one-hour roundtable discussions to hear from employees across the college on how to make ACC an even better place to work and learn. Sessions run through April 16, and spots are still available.
Later this month, the Office of Institutional Research and Analytics (OIRA) will conduct a mid-year check-in to assess progress on the 3Cs to date. The short survey will focus on issues most closely related to the 3Cs, like communication, workplace culture, resources, and workplace environment. The survey will be sent to employees via email.