Calling all faculty! Are you interested in having collaborative, course-specific study sessions embedded into your courses? Now is the time to request Supplemental Instruction (SI) for your spring 2024 classes.
The SI Program provides collaborative, peer-led study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses. Sessions are facilitated by an SI leader, a student who was previously successful in the course. SI sessions offer students an inclusive environment that encourages active learning through engagement with peers.
SI supports all modes of course delivery, including face-to-face, synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid.
SI is currently accepting faculty requests for spring 2024. Request SI for your spring courses.
For those who already have Supplemental Instruction for their courses, now is the time to nominate a student to become your next SI Leader. Nominate an SI Leader.
Why take advantage of SI?
Course Completion Rates:
Non-SI Attendees: 65%
SI Attendees: 77%
Final Course Grade:
Non-SI Attendees: 2.7
SI Attendees: 3.2
Please visit or contact [email protected] with any questions regarding the program.