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On the November 8, 2022, ballot, Austin Community College District (ACC) taxpayers will vote on a proposed $770 million general obligation bond. The bond includes funds to support projects across all regions of the district to help the college create new facilities that can increase training capacity for high-demand fields such as health care and advanced manufacturing, build new campus sites in Southeast and Southwest Travis County, and create opportunities for ACC to expand student support services such as child care space and student health services.
Read more about the projects in each region below:

The college is able to issue bonds without raising its tax rate.
Since property values are expected to increase, the college estimates that at its current tax rate, a taxpayer with a home worth $500,000 would pay up to $5 more per year over the first five years. Seniors (age 65+) and residents with disabilities would see no tax increase as a result of the bond program because of ACC’s ongoing exemptions.
The final estimated tax impact of the bond proposition for a standard homestead is listed on the college’s 2022 bond informational website.
This will be the college’s third-ever bond election — the most recent of which was in 2014 when voters approved $385 million in bonds. Projects in the 2014 general obligation bond included the construction of ACC Highland Phase 2, development of the Hays Campus Public Safety Training Center, renovations to the historic Rio Grande Campus main building, an expansion of the Round Rock Campus, construction of Elgin Campus Phase 2, land banking in Southeast Travis County for a future workforce education center, and multiple campus renovations. Those projects were completed on time and within budget.
Also on the November 2022 ballot are three seats for the ACC Board of Trustees.
Election day is November 8. Early voting in Texas is October 24 through November 4, 2022. For nonpartisan information about voter registration and voting procedures, please click here.