Austin Community College District (ACC) provides an update on the first phase of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) process, which included opportunities this spring for ACC employees, students, and the community to participate by submitting topic ideas or taking a short survey.

The QEP Topic Selection Committee received 176 responses to its survey, which asked what type of enhancement plan would benefit ACC students and the college community. The committee will use this information, along with more formal topic proposals, to ensure that it selects a topic that is seen as valuable by a large number of faculty, staff, students, and community members. 

Survey Respondents’ Connection to ACC

Full-Time Faculty23.86%
Adjunct Faculty18.18%
Community Member0.57%

Emerging themes for improving student learning and student success included: Engagement (29%), ACC Resources (25%), Academic Needs (24%), and Equity (23%). 

Through their topic suggestion form, the Topic Selection Committee received 16 topic submissions. In addition, all 25 Academic Master Plan 2020-25 (AMP) proposals were reviewed for QEP consideration. 

A rigorous review process is underway to determine the final topics that the entire college will vote on in August-September. At that time, the QEP co-chairs will be in contact with those who submitted a topic to update them on the status of their idea.

Stay up to date on the QEP process and find more details online at