To celebrate the end of the 2022-23 academic year, the Academic Guidance Forum (AGF) leadership team challenged every ACC campus to show off their creativity and dance moves.
Every campus was asked to choose a favorite music video or TikTok dance to perform and submit. Watch this year’s dance challenge video below.
The dance challenge was started last year by the AGF Leadership team, co-chairs Melissa Baez and Chyanne Bryant, both Area of Study Senior Advising Specialists, and secretary Alicia Cordero, Area of Study Master Advising Specialist.
“We wanted to celebrate with a fun districtwide team-building activity, so the first year each campus submitted a line dance,” says Baez. This year’s leadership team — made up of Baez, along with chair-elect Jennifer Browning, Area of Study Advising Specialist, and secretary Antonia Hsu, Area of Study Senior Advising Specialist — wanted to continue the dance challenge. “We had so much fun last year. Everyone on the campus is invited to participate, and we hope to see more faces next year.”
All ACC faculty and staff are invited to join the Academic Guidance listserv and attend the Forum to keep up-to-date with ACC department information and activities. To be added to the listserv, email [email protected].